The responses to this Twitter thread by @DanikaPfeiffer has been super insightful. Danika asked if old documents from time as a PhD student would be a useful resource for other PhD students. So many ideas on what to include in your academic website.
Some of the cool ideas in the thread.
“A word doc with hyperlinks with useful websites and online resources eg ref managers, grammarly, YouTube videos” by @catherine_hitch
“How to be prepared for a committee meeting (a written agenda with bullet points, a letterhead stating progress thus far, short-term and long-term goals, and a space for committee member notes)” by @doctorclaros
“I had a prof show me how her CV looked at multiple points of her degree. It was a great reference I modeled my materials on” by @nkhlrss
"I've been trying to find an example for a research profile for a while. It's not something that is easy to find." by @charismamicro
“A word doc with hyperlinks with useful websites and online resources eg ref managers, grammarly, YouTube videos” by @catherine_hitch
“How to be prepared for a committee meeting (a written agenda with bullet points, a letterhead stating progress thus far, short-term and long-term goals, and a space for committee member notes)” by @doctorclaros
“I had a prof show me how her CV looked at multiple points of her degree. It was a great reference I modeled my materials on” by @nkhlrss
"I've been trying to find an example for a research profile for a while. It's not something that is easy to find." by @charismamicro