

Owlstown Ace Awards

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Get 25% off the first year of your annual subscription with the Owlstown Ace Awards.

To get an Owlstown Ace Award, just send me an email at [email protected] with the following information:

1. Create an Owlstown account.

Email me from the same email address that you use to create your Owlstown account, so I can cross-reference them. If you used a different email address for your Owlstown account, just note it in the email.

2. Proof that you are affiliated with an institution where you do research.

Select one of these:
  • Use your university email to email me.
  • Link to a lab/department webpage that lists your name.
  • Link to an academic profile, such as, Google Scholar, ORCID,, LinkedIn.
3. Information about a recent achievement.

Select one of these:
  • Started an academic website.
  • Got into a PhD program.
  • Finished your quals.
  • Proposed your thesis.
  • Got a paper accepted.
  • Presented a poster at a conference
  • Presented a talk.
  • Lined up a job interview.
  • Started a postdoc.
  • Started a lab.
  • Got tenure.

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