

Link to a PDF File

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There are 2 ways to link to PDF files that you uploaded to your Owlstown website.
Make sure that the PDF file you want to link to is uploaded to your Owlstown website.

To upload a PDF file, go to the PDF Files page.

Click on the Upload button. A dialog will show up where you can upload your PDF file.

Option 1. Select the PDF you want to link to

In a Text block, select the text you want to turn into a link.

Click on the Link icon in the Text toolbar.
In the Link dialog that appears, click on the name of the PDF file that you want to link to.
Notice that the selected is now a link. Click on the Save button to save the Text block.

Option 2. Copy the URL of the PDF

From the Editor, go to the PDF Files page.

Select the PDF file that you want to link to.
On the PDF page, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Link text.

Click on the Copy icon button to copy the link text.
In a Text block, select the text you want to turn into a link.

Click on the Link icon in the Text toolbar.
In the Link dialog that appears, paste the URL of the PDF into the "Search or enter a link" field.

Click on the Apply button.
Notice that the selected is now a link. Click on the Save button to save the Text block.

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